Warning! These are all random thoughts that have popped up today.
Dr. Pepper is SO good.
Radio is an awesome job.
Hello headache... we meet again.
Is it normal to miss my puppy so much when I'm gone all day? Even though he'll be a little booger when I finally get home.
It's super cold in the studio.
I can't wait to see what the future holds.
I'm very bad about over analyzing EVERYTHING. But I think part of it is because I listen for changes in tone and delivery and can tell when things aren't right.
I prefer 100% honesty. In the words of John Mayer-- Say what you need to say!
I have to admit... the new Rihanna and Eminem song is pretty awesome.
Katy Perry's California Girls get stuck in my head, and I like to dance to it. But I can't say I LOVE the song!
Some people annoy me.
I lack patience... especially when I lack sleep.
I hate when people can't just be happy for you. So what if it's not what YOU wanted, It's MY life, and I'm very happy, thank you.
My phone (the primary one, not the "for fun" cell phone) is about to die.
I'm going to be on-air on Q106.3 FM tomorrow 3p.m.- 9 p.m. www.q106.fm.
I need another job. I need to fill out those 4 applications I picked up.
I'm ready to have my own place.
I think I'm stressed.
I want to dance.
I could use a massage.
I'm realizing how this blog is all about ME, ME, ME. I'm a bit selfish at times. And sometimes I just need to vent!
I need to spend more time with friends.
I need to laugh more, and love more.
I usually don't think of myself as judgmental, but I know I can be sometimes.
I want everyone I meet to feel good in my presence. Like they matter. Hopefully they will make me feel the same.
I think we all need to realize that everyone is fighting their own demon, and even if you don't know what it is (and maybe you don't need to) we need to be more compassionate towards others. We all struggle, we all fall down. We don't have to know the reason, just a smile can change the world.
I'm overly emotional.
I want to read more, brush up on my Spanish, visit another country... exercise more, complain less. Enjoy every moment God gave me on this earth.
Be less critical (especially of myself). Work to improve what I can and accept what I can't.
Take criticism as a way to make myself better.
Be more cautious.
And that's it for now. Working...