Girls are incredible creatures. Very interesting, and very complicated. I can say this, because I am one. We have many talents. Each woman is unique. I love that about women. We're so intricate and fascinating. Now if only I could find a man who appreciates all the little things that make me, ME!
After recent conversations with a close girl friend, I laughed at how alike we can be in some respects. The biggest? Stalking. Ok.... so don't freak out. It's not a bad type of stalking-- promise.
So what do I mean by stalking? I mean... we get on Facebook, Myspace, etc. and well, we search for people (for most of us single ladies, it's usually men!)... look for information. Find out more about people. If we meet you and are intrigued by you, you can almost bet we'll try to find you. It's not to be creepy, honestly. It's simply because we're curious by nature. We want to know more about you. We want to see what you're really about, and with the wonderful creation of social networking, we can do these things. Maybe it's the idea that we can scope you out, learn a bit about you, to sort of figure out if you are compatible. Maybe it's because we're scared of falling for someone totally wrong for us, so if we get a little information, it's sort of a safety thing.
Stalking, well, is fun. It's not only men we stalk. We've been known to stalk other women. Why? Well, if it's someone we know the guy we like is interested in, we look at her to see what she has that we don't. To see what kind of girl he likes. To ask ourselves-- is she prettier than me? Yes, it's sad, I know. But it's what we do.
What causes us to stalk? Well, one thing-- boredom. It's summer, I'm sitting at home, and my mind starts to wander. Or perhaps I just see something questionable, and become intrigued, and I have to get to the bottom of it. It can be a picture, a comment, a status update. Whatever. It catches my attention, and I'm curious.
Like I said, women are complicated. We don't do this to be creepy (well, those of us who are sane).
For me, I am just overall a curious person. And well, I love learning about people. People intrigue me. I love how different people are. I just love it. Is that bad?
Well, maybe you think my stalking is creepy. Maybe you think I'm strange. But again, it's just one of those things that make me who I am. It's up to you-- love me or hate me... I am who I am, and I'm not changing for anyone!
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